Cinematic Wedding Portraits by Scott Robert Lim

As a dedicated professional photographer based in Florida, I've always recognized the importance of continual learning and growth within my craft. This commitment led me to become a member of various esteemed organizations, including the Professional Photographers of America and the Central Florida Professional Photographers. Recently, I added another significant milestone to my journey by joining the Florida Professional Photographers.

Last weekend presented an invaluable opportunity for professional development as I immersed myself in a day class focused on cinematic wedding portraits. The experience was not only enriching but also affirming. Scott's instruction provided reassurance that the techniques and approaches I've been employing align with industry standards, while also offering valuable insights to further refine my skills.

The highlight of the day was the practical session following the class, where we had the chance to experiment with different lighting setups using three models. Stepping outside my comfort zone proved to be immensely rewarding. I captured some stunning shots and even managed to sneak in a few behind-the-scenes gems—because, let's be honest, that's where the real magic happens.

In the pursuit of excellence, every opportunity for growth is embraced wholeheartedly. My membership in the Florida Professional Photographers serves as a testament to my unwavering dedication to refining my craft and delivering exceptional results to my clients. As I continue on this journey of artistic exploration, I look forward to the invaluable experiences and insights that lie ahead.

Thanks to our models:

Basha Doto, Susan Belcher, and Gina Nigara